sacred beauty

These women dwell in a sacred time of the mythical age 

Art is a way to heal human body, a true artist transforms the trauma into victory. Human body the only way to experience life for us, humans. Without the body there would be no hot and cold, no pain and pleasure, no movement and pause, no vision and aspiration. Body does not need words to exist. This is why we feel direct, immediate connection with the images of bodies in the art. 

For Vladimir Kozhukh, female body has an iconic value, it’s an infinite source of inspiration. The women on his pictures transcend the need to self-define, to have a name or to belong to a historical epoch. These women dwell in a sacred time of the mythical age.


Each painting glorifies the unaltered state of the soul. Human bodies showing us the pathway to transcendence – this is what one can witness looking at Vladimir’s works, which obviously go beyond the boundaries of space and time